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Registration Terms

Site Guidelines

The Left Field Investors Community and this website is for informational purposes only and is not, nor should be interpreted as, investment advice. All financial investments are inherently risky and should be vetted by each individual investor prior to deciding to invest in any investment opportunity.

Any information, deal or strategy encountered on the website, in videos or in person has not been vetted by Left Field Investors or any of our Founders or Members. Left Field Investors is not recommending an investment in deal or strategy.

Left Field Investors might allow a partner to present a deal or strategy as a way for our Community to invest and qualify for a higher return amount or for general informational purposes. The Founders of Left Field Investors may or may not invest in a deal or strategy. Each person must evaluate each deal and strategy individually and must make their own investment decision.

Nothing on this website should be considered financial, tax or legal advice. Investing involves risks which you assume. It is your duty to do your own due diligence. Read all documents and agreements before signing or investing in anything. It is your duty to consult with your own legal, financial and tax advisors regarding any investment.


Cancellation Policy 

A Subscriber may at any time without reason cancel their Subscription. In this case Left Field Investors will not provide a refund for the current annual subscription fee, but the Subscriber will not be charged for any subsequent annual renewals.


Fulfillment Policy

Each Subscriber who purchases a Subscription must complete a Registration Process, where such individual will be prompted to provide certain personally identifiable information including a valid major credit card (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express), first name, last name, and email address to receive access to their subscription. 

All further fulfillment questions shall be directed webmaster@leftfieldinvestors.com, where Left Field Investors will make a best faith effort to resolve all issues and disputes in accordance with existing policies.




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